Functional Order: Fe/Ni/Se/Ti

Dominant Function: Fe
Eric is seen as the golden child of the family. He is noble, graceful, kind and compassionate, as well as a great older brother and mentor to Wilhelm. As noticed by many characters Eric gave up his personal wishes and desires to serve his country and family well. Still he accepts Wilhelms shortcomings and encourages him to be true to his feelings with Simon, carrying the burden of leading the kingdom instead. He is ultimately selfless and caring and serves as a paragon of virtue and role model for Wilhelm, making his demise mid season 1 even more tragic.
Auxilliary Function: Ni
Eric is very focused on his destiny and the role he has to take in society, focusing his complete live on this future happening. He is also highly perceptive of others feeling and emotions and knows how to influence them in positive ways. He also has a knack for symbolism shown in his presents to Wilhelm.
Tertiary Function: Se
While being the responsible older sibling, Eric also seems to have a more carefree and spontaneous side. He enjoys partying, dressing way and jacking around with his friends, and hisnimpulsive driving causes him to die in a car accident in the end.
Inferior Function: Ti
Eric is mainly focused on being the perfect throne heir and following his societies ideals, rather than analysing these logics by himself. Still he shows critical thinking when advising his brother and an open mind regarding his homosexuality.