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Gladiator: Commodus (ENFJ)

Functional Order: Fe/Ni/Se/Ti

Dominant Function: Fe

Commodus is open with his emotions and takes each slight by his father and every criticism of his character deeply to heart (“I had none of the virtues on your list!”). His bitter resentment at being unloved and disapproved of causes him to lash out against his father, to betray anyone who disagrees with him, and to try and control his sister (hoping to force her into loving him). His tremendous desire to be loved by the people of Rome sways his decisions (giving in to their demands to appease them in the arena). Commodus knows what they want and how to gain their approval – through free food and endless blood sport. He knows that “Rome is the mob”; control them and you control Rome.

Auxiliary Function: Ni

He too has an idealistic sense of what Rome represents, but to him it is not a symbol of “light” (as to Maximus), but of violence and power. Commodus dreams prior to his father’s death about his future as an emperor, and once he obtains it, develops greater visions – for an arena, for endless games, for prestige and adoration. He has an instinctive knack as to who is scheming against him, and how to stop it.

Tertiary Function: Se

Commodus is intelligent, but also reckless. He tempts fate by standing near to soldiers about to be executed. He enjoys fighting in the area and training with the men. He pursues sensual pleasures and takes great enjoyment out watching the brutal games. He is opportunistic, easily able to turn a situation to his advantage, and somewhat pleasure-seeking. He hopes to incite Maximus to early violence by taunting him, by testing him to find out what he will do. He finds his way easily around problems, by coming up with cunning and creative ways to obtain his heart’s desire, from blackmail to murder.

Inferior Function: Ti

Commodus thinks over his life and his emotions and comes up with his own list of virtues to tell to his father, including ambition. He clearly has given thought to what inspires the mob and how to control them and win them over to his side.

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