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The Dark Knight: Miranda Tate/Talia Al Ghul (ENFJ)

Functional Order: Fe/Ni/Se/Ti

Dominant Function: Fe

Talia is very conscious of the image she presents to the outside world and quite manipulative. She feigns charity work as a trap to lure Bruce into trusting her, but in reality doesn’t care about anyone or anything other than exacting vengeance for her father – and she is quite forthcoming both in her desire for Bruce to suffer, and in her feelings about both, when she confesses to him. She says she stopped hating her father the minute Bruce murdered him. That Bane was the only person she cared about. And that she wants Bruce to feel pain, to live long enough to see his beloved city go up in an atomic explosion. Effective but cruel. Fe targeting his emotions and twisting in the proverbial, as well as the literal, knife.

Auxiliary Function: Ni

Talia plays a long game with Bruce, inserting herself into his life, joining the board, becoming involved in highly dangerous Wayne Enterprises investments and projects, and biding her time for eight years until she is ready to twist in the knife. Literally. She says the knife that takes the longest slips in the deepest. She admits to Bruce that she is “not ordinary,” nor was she – she was the child who survived the pit, and who climbed to freedom. She identifies with Bane, both as her protector, and as a “monster.” Her father’s inability to accept him, because he saw him as one (a monster) made her hate him… and the instant he was gone, she loved him and had to avenge him.

Tertiary Function: Se

Talia leaves most of her master plan to Bane, preferring to take a backseat to the action – and when she is thrust into the driver’s seat of the cargo truck carrying the nuclear weapon, she is unable to adapt fast enough to her environment in a chaotic war zone and winds up crashing it, killing herself in the process. Her tertiary Se also shows in her impulsive one night stand with Bruce (or was it calculated? We will never know!).

Inferior Function: Ti

Her plan makes sense to her, even though it only accomplishes what her father set out to do: create anarchy followed by annihilation. She mainly bases it on her feelings of being abandoned and desire for revenge, doing little reflecting wether her ideas are rational or reasonable.

Note: This argument has been taken from Funky MBTI in Fiction, where she is typed as INFJ 4w5.

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