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Inside Out: Valentina „Val“ Ortiz (ENFJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Aktualisiert: 18. Jan.

Functional Order: Fe/Ni/Se/Ti

Dominant Function: Fe

Val is warm, emotionally open and approaching. She immediately takes Riley under her wing, when she sees that she is new at their school, offering her guidance through her first days. While she is part of the popular clique and seems to hold her connection with her mates in high regard, she is quick to speak out against her friends and defend Riley from their criticism, when they berate her for an earlier misconduct. This shows her tendency to act on her personal sympathies and share her feelings with others, rather than keeping them to herself. Val is good at getting other to open up to her and relax, trying to cultivate a positive mood, instead of putting Riley under pressure like the coach or some of her friends do. Val is attentive of Riley’s struggle, noticing her lack of sleep and trying to calm her before the match. When Riley reveals her favorite band to be one that isn‘t considered cool by her new friends, Val quickly admits to loving them to at her aids, in order to ease the tension and spare Riley discomfort. While her Fe is overalls quite well developed, it also shows some downsides like when she laughs along with some of the girls over Riley’s former favorite band, not realizing that Riley is just pretending to have grown out of liking them, in order to fit in with her friend group, showing herself to be somewhat suspecting to peer pressure.

Auxiliary Function: Ni

Val immediately recognizes her young self in Riley and notices her abilities before most of her friends do. She is right about guessing Riley skills in Hockey and her potential to be a future top player. Val is also good at picking up others emotions, noticing Riley’s increasing anxiety over not being good enough during the game and encouraging her to relax about her results in advance. She also quickly notices that Riley hasn‘t sleeped the Night before their final game, showing herself to be rather perceptive. Val also shows that she is quite focused on her goals and singleminded, appearing in the ice hall just before training, to practice a little on her own.

Tertiary Function: Se

Val is a skilled athlete for her ability to stay grounded even under stress. Just like Riley Val enjoys a good game and the thrill of the moment, skating over the ice with joy and a certain elegance. While she has a playful and more carefree sides, which she shares with her friends, during her training she remains quite focused and detached, not allowing her to get distracted from her goals. Still she enjoys cultivating a more tomboyish appearance, coloring her hair red and goofing around with her teammates, showing a sharper more impulsive edge to her personality from time to time.

Inferior Function: Ti

Val shows some Ti in her calm and detached approach to most situation. She seems rather grounded, analyising each situation before her and than choosing to act, taking her time to settle down. It is implied that she had to learn her cool, and grew out of her own anxiety, showing how she grew from unhealthy to healthy use o her inferior. Overall her Ti is still rather weak and she prefers fostering connection with others and uplifting the mood over cold analysis, berating her friends for being so critical about Riley’s skills, rather noticing her potential.



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