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Star Wars: Padme Amidala (ENFJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Axis: Fe/Ni/Se/Ti

Dominant Function: Fe

As the child Queen of Naboo Padme maneuvers gracefully through the political world, no how to deceive and manipulate her enemies. She deeply cares for her people, stating that she wasn‘t elected to see her people suffer, sacrificing her own needs for them. As a result she is extremely popular with her people, being naturally charismatic. She prefers negotiations over war and is tends to seek harmonious interactions with others.

Secondary Function: Ni

Padme is an idealist stating in the very beginning: That I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war“. She is stubborn about her ideals and future vision and pr8be to philosophizing about the meaning and value of democraty. She also tends to be far thinking and is aware of the future consequences of her actions. Her skill at deceiving her enemies also gives her a certain sense of mystery which she purposefully conveys, being vague about her motives and thoughts.

Tertiary Function: Se

In the second movie one of her assistants state that he is worried as much about Padme’simpulsivity as about Anakin‘sm which seems to be justified. Padme naturally tries to engage with the world and is prone to impulsive action. She is also quick thinking and can act in the moment if needed. Her sense of aesthetics is seen in her fashion sense and she seems to enjoy nature and beauty in her environment a lot.

Inferior Function: Ti

Padme fails to recognize Anakin‘s turn to the dark side until it’s too late, setting her skepticism aside and blindly trusting him. She struggles with making cold decisions and can be easily manipulated. Still she is a skilled strategist and calm as a politican.

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