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Skins: Grace Blood (ENFJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Axis: Fe/Ni/Se/Ti

Dominant Function: Fe

Grace is universally liked and even extends her kindness to unpopular outsiders like Franky and Rich. She is very harmony focused and tries to please those around her by being the perfect student and frien. Later on she manages to make her own desires hear, adopting the more individualistic values of he new pears, while still remaining caring towards those around her, showing Fes temdency to mold itself after its environmen. Furthermore she views life, as a stag, performing what ever social role she needs to, to ensure the hapiness of those around her, while trying to remain true to herself.

Auxilliary Function: Ni

Grace is very idealistic and views life as a fairytal, hoping for a good outcome to the most hopeful sitution. She is also a romanti, loving the symbolic and comparing hers and Rich‘s romance to that of Shakespeares characters. Despite her somewhat airheaded demeanor she is highly perceptive and quick to discern others true emotions and motive, which makes her a great consouler to her Friend, even after her death.

Tertiary Function: Se

Grace loves to physically engage with her environmen, wether through dancin, singing or performing on the stage. She can also act based on impulse at time, like at her spontanous wedding with Rich.

Inferior Function: Ti

At times Grace can be uncharacteristically bold and critical, like when calling Mini and later Franky out for their hypocritical behavior, but normally she is quite sensible and attentive of others feeling, preffering a softer approach.

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