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Picnic at Hanging Rock: Irma Leopold (ENFJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Order: Fe/Ni/Se/Ti

Dominant Function: Fe

Irma is one of the most popular and charismatic girls at school only rivaled by Miranda. She is universally kind, graceful and treats everyone with respects. She is highly emotional and knows how to use her charm to enchant others. Her identity is closely interlinked with her groups of friends and what she means to them and later her feelings for Michael. She is highly emotional and rather sensitive, but also deeply compassionate for others like Sara.

Auxilliary Function: Ni

Being good friends with Miranda and similarly mysterious, she is very vague about the circumstances of their disappearance, but seems to have strong hunches about what happens. Just like Miranda told her she always follows her intuition about things, noticing that something dark is present at the school and leaving Australia for good, showing a future focused mindset. Just like the others girls, who disappeared she is also drawn to the mystical lure of the hanging rock, showing a strong sensitivity to the draw of the unknown and mysterious.

Tertiary Function: Se

Irma is noted as being particularly beautiful and graceful, as she is always well dressed and ladylike in her composer. She enjoys the expensive gifts her father makes her, be it jewelry, necklaces or fine dresses others can‘t afford. While she enjoys this luxury and beauty, she is very giving and has little relevance for material possessions. She also enjoys the beauty of Hanging Rocks nature and the thrill of adventure it provides the girls with, dancing barefoot at the heights of the rock.

Inferior Function: Ti

Irma is mainly guided by her feelings and intuitions, failing to provide a rational explanation to what happened at hanging rock. Her mistreatment by some of the girls, also cause her to seclife herself and behave more coldly towards them, showing a sense of distance and melancholy that is uncommon for her rather sunny personality.


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