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  • AutorenbildScarborough

Narnia: Prince Caspian (ENFJ)

Functional Order: Fe/Ni/Se/Ti

Dominant Function: Fe

Caspian is warm, compassionate and charismatic. He takes his duty to the people very serious and often relies on his charms to get out of difficult situations. He likes to help those around him, but also likes to be recognized for this shown in his rivalry with Peter in the movies. Caspian is also a gifted and strong leader that devotes his life to the greater good of Narnia.

Auxilliary Function: Ni

Destiny and his role in the bigger picture of Narnia is very important to him. He take prophecies serious and believes in a predestined future. He is open minded and quickly accepts supernatural occurrences and seems to comprehend them easily. His instincts also often turn out to be right showing him to be long term thinking.

Tertiary Function: Se

Caspian is a skilled fighter and loves to jump right into any given fight. He is bold and adventurous, enjoying to experience the thrill of the fight and living of the edge. He also cares for his presentation as he knows that experience is important.

Inferior Function: Ti

Caspian is more guided by his principles than by logic, which can cause him to be seen as a bit naive. While he is highly idealistic he is less firm on strategizing or carefully planning his actions.

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