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Merlin: Morgana (ENFJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Axis: Fe/Ni/Se/Ti

Dominant Function: Fe

Morgana is deeply compassionate and caring towards others, especially those she considers to be part of the same tribe as her. She is fiercely outspoken about the oppression of those with magic in Camelot and is fast to express her feelings about this matter. She is quite charming and a great manipulator, knowing exactly how to influence others to her favor. She enjoys being admired and appreciated by others, a desire that grows stronger as she takes down a darker path.

Auxilliary Function: Ni

She is very perceptive about others motives and often follows her hunches. She isn‘t afraid of intangible things like magic and instead quite fascinated by it. She always felt that there was something of with her, but couldn‘t put it into words. Morgana is deeply idealistic and believing in a better future for all and eventually this idealism helps leading to her downfall. Her prophetic dreams allow her seeing the future and she doesn‘t question it at all. Her mysterious schemings are hard to see through and she rarely reveals her long term goals.

Tertiary Function: Se

Moragan is a just as impulsive as her brother at times and enjoys dangerous activity like riding, sword fighting amongst others. This impulsivity gives her a reckless and dangerous streak. She also has a keen eye on aesthetics and beauty, imagining how she could use her new dress to appeal to the people around her. Still, she is often overwhelmed by much going on around her and more visionary than in the moment.

Inferior Function: Ti

Morgana mainly acts based on her emotions. While her natural self is warm and compassionate this drastically changes after her dark turn and she becomes cynical, scheming and calculating. Her actions and motives don‘t always make sense on the outside and she isn‘t willing to make decisions wothout considering her emotions first. Especially in the beginning she showEd better use of this function and showed her sharp quick witted thinking.

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