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The Dark Crystal: Kira (INFJ)

Functional Order: Ni/Fe/Ti/Se

Dominant Function: Ni

Kira is very mystical and detached. She mostly relies on her hunches and intuitions to let her guide her in her decisions. She is determined and won‘t step back from achieving her goals. While she friendly and open she likes to draw back to analyze thing herself and sort out her own hunches.

Auxiliary Function: Fe

Kira is polite and open to strangers. She quickly bonds with the local animals and sees the good in others. Her selfless nature also shows in her sacrificing herself to save the world from the Skeksis. Kira is open about her feelings and defines herself through personal relationships be8ng quite happy to finding another one of her kind and aiding him.

Tertiary Function: Ti

Kira is analytical and quiet rational. She follows her own logic and is good at knowing how things work and strategizing. She has her own small technologies that help her get around in her daily life.

Inferior Function: Se

Kira enjoys nature, animals and the beauties of the world that surround her. She is quick to take action and can act impulsive under stress.

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