Functional Order: Ni/Fe/Ti/Se

Dominant Function: Ni
Alexis is quite mature for her age and incredibly future minded. When still a junior in high school, she already starts planning out for college and which university she might apply. She is dedicated to her academic struggles and won‘t get easily distracted from them by petty teenage drama. Alexis is also quite perceptive. When discussing his cases with her father, she often points out inaccuracies or help her father view things form a different perspective, looking at the bigger picture instead of jumping from one crazy idea to another (like her ENTP father). When investigating the death of her favorite musician, Alexis is quick to notice the hints and symbolism in her songs that point towards her murderer, showing her intuitive understanding of metaphorical imagery.
Auxiliary Function: Fe
Overall Alexis seems like a stereotypical good girl. She is polite, well spoken and often aware of social appropriateness in her behavior - to a higher extend than her own father and mother. She often worries about not fitting in with others or not fulfilling external moral standards. In every decision she takes, from her school work to dealing with her friends, she always tries to fulfill her moral obligations and behave in a way society considers good, but can struggle with feeling disconnected from her more hedonistic peers, especially during teenage years. From a young age on Alexis also has a very nurturing side, taking care of household chores and offering her father emotional support and advise. While Alexis is quick at discerning others feelings and acting in a way that is both charming and sensible, she needs others to help her through with her own emotional turmoil. Often she gains more clarity about her problems, when talking about them to her father, something she does a lot.
Tertiary Function: Ti
Alexis is highly analytical and intellectual. She often corrects her grandma or her own father, when she deems them to act irrational or make logical mistakes. She is also quick to point out logical inconsistencies in her fathers theories, but non judgmental about them. While she is normally level headed and calm, she can get overtly emotional and even somewhat hysteric under stress, relying on others feedback and opinions rather than her own conclusion. As she grows older she learns to better trust her own intuition and make her own conclusions independent from others.
Inferior Function: Se
Alexis normally stays at home studying, while her peers go partying or experiment with drugs. As a result of this she comes of as quite mature and acquires bounds of theoretical knowledge, but also stays a bit sheltered and inexperienced about the outside world. When she fails to life up to her own high moral standards she is quick to overthink thesese issues. Like when she once accidentally took the train without paying for the ticket, she still feel guilty even after paying back the whole price on her last ride, rather than just accepting that things like theses happen from time to time. As she grows older Castle learns to develop her Se. She finds her own way of style and ways to use her physicality to express herself and attract boy‘s attention. She also visits small parties, goes to concert and adopts alternative lifestyles for the sake of experimenting with her own identity.