Functional Order: Ni/Fe/Ti/Se

Dominant Fucntion: Ni
Obi-Wan is an admirer of Yoda, and he takes the older Jedi’s advice about being mindful of the future seriously. While training the young Anakin, he is always aware of the danger he poses to the Jedi Order, and he randomly gets flashes of future visions of things to come. When assigned to watch over Luke on Tattooine, he has the patience to wait for the right moment (a whole 19 years!) to start training him as a Jedi. When dueling with Vader aboard the Death Star, Obi-Wan sees further ahead than anyone else, sacrificing his life to allow Luke and the others to escape, and to guarantee that he can still guide Luke (in spirit form) without have to run or hide from the Empire. Obi-Wan’s chosen lightsaber style is a defensive one; he defeats his enemies using patience. Obi-Wan is able to guess, with suspicions but no real evidence, that Padme is pregnant with Anakin’s child.
Auxiliary Function: Fe
Obi-Wan obeys his superiors even when he disagrees with them. While stranded on Tattooine, he dutifully tells Queen Amidala not to answer a transmission she receives, even though he thinks it may be urgent. Even though he senses the danger in training Anakin, he honors Qui-Gon’s dying wish and trains him anyway. Obi-Wan’s first loyalty is to the Jedi Order and to the Republic, not to individuals; he has no qualms about the Jedi Council using Anakin to spy on his dear friend, Chancellor Palpatine, for the greater good (which tramples on Anakin’s Fi sensibilities), and he even dares to criticize Qui-Gon to his face for not recognizing the danger in training Anakin.
Tertiary Function: Ti
Obi-Wan has to get to the heart of any matter, even if he breaks his own heart in the process; against Yoda’s wishes, he looks at the security recordings of the attack on the Jedi Temple to find out who the attacker was. While telling Luke about his father, Obi-Wan neither tells the truth directly nor states that Luke will learn the truth in time; he instead gives an answer that is “true, from a certain point of view,” but objectively false. Obi-Wan is not above asking questions from unorthodox sources; he guesses (correctly) that a restauranteur can identify a dart for him that the comprehensive Jedi Archives cannot.
Inferior Function: Se
In the middle of a fight, Obi-Wan’s impulsive side sometimes comes out, especially when using the aggressive fighting style taught to him by Qui-Gon. He is a skilled starship pilot, even though he doesn’t like flying. Obi-Wan can quickly diagnose what’s wrong with a machine or machine part (such as the hyperdrive on the queen’s starship) based on his observations, and he is handy enough to fix them when he has everything he needs (Ti-Se).
Note: This arguments has been taken from The Book Addict‘s Guide to MBTI