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The Crown: Princess Diana (INFP)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Order: Fi/Ne/Si/Te

Dominant Function: Fi

Just like her husband Charles, Diana is a highly sensitive soul, deeply affected by the coldness of the institution she married into. She is a romantic at heart yearning for love and being understood, but also prone to hypersensitivity and fragility. Highly compassionate for the suffering of others, she finds it easy to connect her feelings of being left alone and not noticed, of those downtordden in society, like people with AIDs, black and poor people. She is able to connect with the people by being her authentic self, making them feel like she is „just one of us“.

Auxilliary Function: Ne

The first meeting of Charles and Diana indicates that there is something incomprehensible about her, something ethereal that escapes our grasp. She plays a creature from the fairytale like story midsummer nights dream, mirroring her own view of life as a fairytale. Later these romantic fantasies are brutally shattered, but she still sees the potential for change, speaking up against the institutions and trying to change her husbands attitude towards her, hoping his feeling to change. Diana is also skilled with words and highly symbolical in her speech, stating that she feels like “half woman, half bird“ and about her dreams of becoming „queen of peoples hearts“. She is also highly curious about new forms of artistic self expressions, like music or dancing constantly seeing potential to express her true feelings through it.

Tertiary Function: Si

Especially in the 5th season Diana is quite bitter about her past, being shaped by the experiences she had and viewing them through the subjective leans of her emotions. She is nostalgic towards what she once thought she had, but also wants to leave this past behind her. While willing to learn the royal family’s traditions and trying to fullfill her role as wife and mother at first, she soon becomes bored with the routines aa she believes it imprisoned her more free spirited side. When there is too much going on around her she secluded herself, through watching TV and staying inside, as she needs a pause from the outside world.

Inferior function: Te

While normally gentle and soft spoken, Diana can have a fiery temper if angry. Over the course of her story she learns to be more assertive and stand up for her principles, as well as to detach her emotions, which is a constant struggle for her. Overall she hones for a more openhearted monarchy that respects the sensitivity of the people and his warmer, rejecting the strictly impersonal and hierarchical side of this institution.

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