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Skins: Cassie Ainsworth (INFP)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Axis: Fi/Ne/Si/Te

Dominant Function: Fi

Cassie is an individualist, a manic pixie dream girl, the weird one. She feels misunderstood and unique, not feeling bound to social norms and what is expected of her. Soft spoken and gentle she possess a seemingly childlike innocence when navigating though the world, but it isn‘t totally real. Actually she has serious problems. She is deeply sensitive and seeks for love and understanding from those around her, but only receives coldness and ignorance.

Auxilliary Function: Ne

Cassie doesn‘t seem to be in the world most of the time. Wearing a Watch on her leg, going around in the most bizzare outfits and teasingly gazing at the distant, she life’s in a world of ideas, dreams and fantasies. She is interested in philosophical questions, prone to imagining things on her head and fleeing the real world though dreams, but she can be also quite humorous, quick witted and able to read people and seeing their hidden motives.

Tertiary Function: Si

Cassie is attached to her past and memories. She is deeply loyal to people she formed attachments with and takes a liking in a certain sense of comfort and security. She is also obsessed with her body and her physical uncertainty, feelings the need to frame her body after her ideas and fantasies. Later on she becomes more grounded and realistic in her worldview, learning from past experiences, but also being more cynic and self reliant.

Inferior Function: Te

Normally Cassie is gentle, soft spoken and dreamy, but when one gets on her bad side she can be surprisingly cold and rude. Bluntly speaking the truth about Sid‘s and Michelle‘s relationship she can be calculated and cold when in the grip. She has a controlling side, enjoying her illness since it gives her power over others life and a change to control them.

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