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  • AutorenbildScarborough

Now You See Me: Alma Dray (INFP)

Aktualisiert: 16. Apr.

Functional Order: Fi/Ne/Si/Te

Dominant Function: Fi

Alma is a calm and mysterious person. She is a free spirit and not bound to conventional methods of investigation and sympathizes with criminals based on her personal values. She has a firm sense of identity and right and wrong and is highly compassionate. Over the course of the story she develops feelings for Rhodes, but don‘t directly communicates them as she doesn‘t know honte putnthem into words.

Auxilliary Function: Ne

Alma is creative and unconventional. She is quick to connect the dots and sees many ways in which things could enfold. She is also highly idealistic about her job rather than focusing on just getting the job done.

Tertiary Function: Si

While Alma is a dreamer and a bit unconventional she is still well versed in her investigation routines and highly observant of small details. She is steongly influenced and guided by her last experiences too.

Inferior Function: Te

Alma is soft spoken and gentle and does mainly let her heart guide her rather than being too strict about the law or caring to do things the proper by the book way. She can also be quite blunt with her opinions always telling her subjective truth.

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