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Narnia: Aslan (INFJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Order: Ni/Fe/Ti/Se

Dominant Function: Ni

Aslan is the wise and mystical guarding entity of Narnia. He is known for his wisdom and often offers the children valuable advise. He has the bigger picture of Narnia in mind when making decisions and predicts the Pevensies fate, seeing their potential in saving his country. Aslan is very secretive and often speaks in riddles and analogies, making it hard to grasp his actual motives.

Auxilliary Function: Fe

Aslan is a benevolent ruler that is kind, warm and affectionate with those around him. He tries to help others like Lucy or Edmund with their problems, while also carrying the responsibility for the whole nation, always having the greater good in mind. While being kind and selfless he cna also use his charisma to command respect and make others do his biding.

Tertiary Function: Ti

Aslan is analytical and a long term strategist. He forms his own conclusion about the Pevensies capability to save the nation, believing in their potential without much external prove. He is very calm and stoic often coldly analyzing a situation before jumping into action.

Inferior Function: Se

Aslan Carrie’s himself gracefully and prideful. He is elegant and regal and even has a playful side. Still he is mainly detached, rarely getting involved in any physical combat or action.

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