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  • AutorenbildScarborough

Minority Report: Agatha Lively (INFJ)

Functional Order: Ni/Fe/Ti/Se

Dominant Function: Ni

Agatha is a precog, being able to predict what will happen in the future and is quite certain about these perceptions. She has a strong intuitive grasp on reality, often communicating her thoughts in a cryptic and symbolical way. She senses the feeling sof those around her, sensing the emotions of a house and reading other people well. While she is certain in her prediction she is idealistic about people’s ability to change their future in a meaningful way.

Auxiliary Function: Fe

Agatha is soft spoken and compassionate. She easily feels others emotions and is hyper sensitive to them. She values harmony and peace and is rarely seen arguing or being rude, but still Carrie’s herself with a certain charm.

Tertiary Function: Ti

While Agatha is deeply felt and empathetic, she has stoic exterior. She is calm and analytical and judges the informations she receives internally leading to her own conclusions. She is eager for learning new things and asks questions about the world around her, which she hardly knew, wanting to understand its inner workings.

Inferior Function: Se

Agatha can get olverhelmed with to much going on around her. Because of her sheltered life she seems otherworldly and a bit naive to others, but she can realistically arrange with the situation when she is captured and taken into custody.

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