Functional Order: Ni/Fe/Ti/Se

Dominant Function: Ni
Elsa is infuriated with the holy grail to the point of obsession. Her whole life is centered around finding it and she is even willing to sacrifice her sense of humanity in the quest of this goal. Elsa is also highly perceptive, which makes her a skilled manipulated and easily notices the hidden desires of others. She is also highly educated and interested in riddles and symbols that aid her on her quest to the grail.
Auxilliary Function: Fe
Elsa is skilled in appealing to others emotions. She can easily read and manipulate those around her and portrays herself in what ever image that suits her. Once she is the naive damsel in distress, than an enigmatic seductress and later a spiteful nazi, but all these are just mask to hide her true feelings. Even though she seems cold and aloof at first, Elsa is quite sensitive actually, shown in her reactions to the book burning.
Tertiary Function: Ti
Elsa is a woman of science and dislikes the Nazis ideology of eliminating potentially dangerous knowledge. She is focused on finding the truth be it in her work as a scientist or in her feelings for Jones. She is detached and analytical carefully scheming to get we’re she wants, but can get taken of by her feelings at times.
Inferior Function: Se
Elsa is often overwhelmed under pressure and reacts impulsive, like when fleeing from criminals with Jones. In the heath of the moment she misunderstoods his plea and brings them in quite a dangerous situation. She often uses her looks and appearance to her advantage, viewing sex and sensuality as mere means to an end.