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Harry Potter: Professor Severus Snape (INTJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Order: Ni/Te/Fi/Se

Dominant Function: Ni

Snape is highly perceptive and intuitiv, being a skilled legilimentor and successfull Double Agent. While his motives are often mysterious he manages to stop Voldemords plans on more than one occasion, being under his radar most of the time. He has a great understanding of highly theoretical spells and magical concepts and closely works together with Dumbledore to track down Voldemrod.

Auxilliary Function: Te

He likes order and being in charge of his class, being strict in enforcing the rules and quick to think rationally to find a solution to any give problem. He is also rather bold, and dislikes it of his authority is questions. His classroom and lessons are well structured and organized and seem to follow a clear logic.

Tertiary Function: Fi

All of his later decisions are influenced by his feelings for Harry mother, making hin change to the good side and working as a double agent for Dumbledore. He is intensely emotional, but hides his sensitivities under a cold and stoic mask.

Inferior Function: Se

Especially when young Severus was mainly interested in his books and didn‘t interact much with the world around him. Still he hold a deep appreciation for the beauty of magic and nature, shown in his flashbacks with Lily. He is quite quick to react under stress, but prefers a more calculated and slow approach mostly.

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