Functional Order: Ni/Te/Fi/Se

Dominant Function: Ni
As the mastermind behind the heist, the professor‘s brilliance lies in his ability to forecast every action the police will take in advance. Before going through with the crime, he analyzed every possible step they could take to predict the most likely outcome. This ability to estimate, how others will react in almost every situation, also makes him a skilled manipulator, forming bonds with the superintendent responsible for the case, to make sure the investigation go into the right direction. The professor is also highly aware of symbolism and metaphorical imageries, making the robbers wear Dahli masks or teaching them the partisan song Bella Ciao to get his philosophical points across. His main motive behind his actions, is fulfilling his fathers vision of committing the greatest robbery in history and also criticize the unethical actions of the large banks, using the crime to communicate a greater message.
Auxiliary Function: Te
The Professor has a plan for everything and even developed a back up plan for even the most unlikely happenings. He is very structured and organized, making daily control calls after certain stamps of time and constantly making sure everything is going after plan. Before realizing the heist, he took months to prepare the robbers, teaching them useful skills (like attaining possible wounds or media strategies) for the waste and elaborating on his plan. When others don‘t follow his plan, he gets nervous and loses his calmth, as he can‘t stand losing control. He carefully selected every member of the gang in advance, based on their skills and the unique contributions they could make to the team. When others don‘t meet these standards or act in a way that seems to endanger his plan he doubts their value for the operation. Like when he found out that Rio was still quite emotionally immature and viewed the heist, as a sort of game, he was very reclusive to still let him participate, only giving in, when Tokyo threatens to leave the operation along with Rio.
Tertiary Function: Fi
For all his composure and outward levelheadedness, the Professor ist still guided by his feelings. He was deeply shaken by the death of his father, viewing the heist as a sort of homage to him. While he is quick to judge others, when they behave foolish or irrational in his eyes, he is blind to his own sentimentalities, like his nerdy fascinations and niche interests, in which he reconnects with his inner child. The Professor also has a strong sense of morality. He dislikes the way in which the banks, make people dependent on them and thereby oppress them. While determined in his goal to succeed with the heist, he gave his teammates clear rules they should follow: like no killing and realizing the operation as peaceful as possible. When he is forced to kill Rachel‘s mother, as she becomes a danger to their plan, he can‘t get himself to harm her, as it is against his core values. While he planned everything in advance and is great as managing others emotions, he didn‘t take his own emotions and developing feelings for Rachel into account. He struggles with detaching himself from theses feelings, causing him to deviate from his original plans. Still he normally remains detached and can put his feelings aside, if his teammates or the success of his operation are in danger.
Inferior Function: Se
While undoubtly a genius in arranging the heist, the Professor is mainly an intellectual and theoretic. He likes to plan everything in advance, while staying in the comfort of his basement. He is the brain behind the operation and not necessarily a man for action, often acting physically awkward and getting overwhelmed by having to react quickly. While he makes some impulsive decisions under stress, they often lead him into trouble, as he constantly underestimates physical challenges. Still he can be incredibly brave in doing what needs to be done, more than one time endangering his life to make sure the heist succeeds. The Professor also holds some appreciation for the finer things in life, distracting himself from stress by listening to classical music or producing vine.