Functional Order: Ni/Te/Fi/Se

Dominant Function: Ni
Skye has big dreams for her life, which she won‘t compromise. She dreams of being a famous astrophysicist and already planned out her whole life from a young age. Her tendency to fixate on certain goals or ideas without compromising them has also got her a reputation for being stubborn among her siblings. She also loves planning ahead, like when going on a vacation with her younger sisters. In theses cases Skye is shown to be perfektionistisch and dislikes it when things don‘t go is planed. Skye loves to predict others actions and likely behavior before anything bad could possibly happen and gets anxious with unpredictable behavior especially from her younger sisters. Skye is also an intellectual. She loves high mathematics, astrophysics and science and is well versed in abstract and theoretical thought. While more pragmatic than some of her sisters thanks to her strong auxiliary Te, Skye is still highly imaginative and prone to playing along with her sisters Jane‘s fantastic ideas and games.
Auxiliary Function: Te
Skye prefers cold, hard facts of fuzzy feelings. She is the scientist to Jane‘s romantic and highly analytical. She is skeptical of others claims until proven and quick to argue when others behave in a way that seems irrational to her. She is the most choleric in her family and also the most argumentative, caring about truth more than about being tactful and not hurting others feelings. Skye also loves order and is incredibly organized. The room she shares with her sister is split into to halves on her demand and while Jane‘s is chaotic and ever changing, Skye‘s part of the room is always clean and neatly organized.
Tertiary Function: Fi
Skye never tries to act girly, just for the sake of fitting in. Instead she is her own person in every right. Unlike her older sisters Rosalinde she doesn‘t try to be polite or accommodate others, when she doesn‘t feel like it, which causes her the reputation of being sort of a troublemaker. Her staunch individualism also has his upsides. Skye won‘t let her role as a woman dictate her place in society and she firmly follows her passions for sports and science instead of taking on more feminine interest. Even though she seems tough on the outside, she has an intense and sensitive interior, which she only reveals to those closest to her. She is fiercely in love with Jeffrey, but shows her love in unusual ways through teasing him. As her feelings are private to her she struggles with revealing them, like her resentment for her younger sister Batty, who she believed to have killed her mother. This conclusion is unfair and based on her feelings rather than logic, but it takes Skye a long time to get over it and make amends with Batty. Like Jeffrey and Batty, Skye also enjoys music as a of artistic self expression, playing the flute among other instruments.
Inferior Function: Se
Her Se mostly shows up in her passion for sports, football and fighting. She loves the thrill of a good challenge, and can be uncharacteristically physical and impulsive on the playground. When angered Skye can also react bluntly and even with physical violence, something she always regrets later on. Skye also dislikes dealing with sudden changes in her plans and struggles with reacting spontaneously when things don‘t go as expected. When hurt she has a tendency to take refugee in herself and shuts out the outside world, while counting the prime numbers up to 1000.