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Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood (INFP)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Order: Fi/Ne/Si/Te

Dominant Function: Fi

Luna is the embodiment of a free spirit. She is serene, mysterious and calm on the outside, possessing a childlike wonder, but fiercly principled and loyal on the inside. She is deeply compassionate for those she considers outsiders like herself, but while firmly stand her ground when her values or believes are threatened. Luna is also always unapologetically herself, even though she might appear weird or even rude to others, showing a need to life in accordance with her own principles.

Auxilliary Function: Ne

Luna takes in her environment by seeing how multiple possibilities can exist, and through her imagination. She can see many “what if” situations, and then buy into them. Luna believes in many things that other people reject, but her open mind accepts them as possible. In interactions with other people, Luna is aloof and odd- she is not engaged in the here and now. Instead, she is carefully trying to understand others, and how they fit into her reality.

Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing

Luna draws most of her sensory information from experience, memory, and imagination. This function is the reason why she made such a spaced-out Quidditch commentator. She is not as engaged with the present, physical world as other people, and would drift off into tangents. She references things that she read, saw, or heard elsewhere to connect herself to present reality. Although Luna uses this function regularly, it does not consume or define her. Inferior Function: Te

Luna can be quite blunt and supinely aggressive if her values are under attack or she is in a stressful situation, having no troubles with shouting at Harry when he stubbornly won‘t listen to her when searching for the diadem of Ravenclaw. She is also good at using her logic to rationally solve problems, like the Rawenclaw common room riddle. Still she often ignores facts in service of her believes making her sort of the Anti-Hermione.

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