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Da Vinci Code: Sophie Neveu (INTJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Order: Ni/Te/Fi/Se

Dominant Function: Ni

Sophie is drawn to mysteries and riddles, easily solving complex riddles and having an eye for the symbolical and metaphorical. This also aids her in her job as a cryptographer. Sophie is also rather secretive only gradually revealing details form a past that is shrouded in mystery. She is detached and abstract, often seeming a bit distanced from concrete reality. Furthermore she has the bigger picture in mind, later on accepting her symbolical role as a lost descendent of Christ.

Auxilliary Function: Te

Sophie is highly intelligent in professional. She takes pride in her competence and doesn‘t let emotions distract her from her goal, which can cause her to neglect her private life a bit. She is bold and analytical, never refraining from telling the truth even though it might hurt. Sophie also never allows herself to get distracted from her goals and is very focused on succeeding in what she does.

Tertiary Function: Fi

Sophie is a deeply felt person and most of her actions draw back to her past traumas and feelings. She has high emotional intelligence, being sensitive to small mood changes and others emotions as well as her own. She is secure in how she is and integrates the role as a descendent of Christ and leader of her community into her personal identity.

Inferior Function: Se

Sophie prefers to theorize and Analyse things over actively taking part in them and gets highly upset by much going on around her or her and Langdon‘s chaotic escape from the museum. Still she is quick thinking under pressure and able to react well to outside stimuli. She also has an eye for beauty and aesthetics, shown in her appreciation in some of the museums treasures.

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