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The Types: ISFP - The Artistic Goth

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Aktualisiert: 10. Mai 2024

Isfps are one of hte least stereotyped types. They are either seen as cliche protagonists, like Harry Potter and Jon Snow or gothic artists into subculture. The truth of course is more complex. Isfps are independent, bold, chill, fiercely individualistic and ethical people, with an artistic streak that is often misunderstood. Isfps aren‘t as much natural artists as artisans. They have a gift for fashion, home decorating and sculpturing, but are less skilled with the written word or highly abstract forms of art preferring hands on experiences.

Dominant Function: Fi

„What I fear the most? A cage.“

~ Eowyn (Lord of the Rings)

Just like the Infp, Isfps are fiercely individualsitic and quite free spirited, striving for a live independent from societal expectations. Unlike Infp they are more bold in their individualism, often dressing in an alternative way ore being openly rebellious in their words or attitude. They have firm values and are prone to black and white views on many issues. As they grow older they can become passionate about certain topics, especially if related to their identity and despite their introversion act as outspoken advocates for these causes. They also have a special connection to nature and animals as they feel more understood in the natural world that surrounds them. If unhealthy they can act quite moody and self centered, especially when looping, as they are unable to see the world from another ankle than their own. But if healthy they are incredibly tolerant of others differences and idiosyncrasies.

Auxilliary Function: Se

„I don‘t paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.“

~ Frida Kahlo

Unlike their intuitive cousins Isfps are grounded and have a rather realistic outlook on life, even though they are still partly romantics at heart. They are sensual and bold and, have a more aggressive attitude about their art and fashion to them, just like Lady Gaga or Frida Kahlo. They enjoy hands on activities like crafting and sculpturing and are very pragmatic about their art. Their main focus is on the aesthetic, the taste or the sound rather than any otherworldly meaning ascribed to it. They enjoy making their environment colorful and spontaneous, like themselves, decorating their homes and items in creative ways. They also often have quite an impulsive streaks that can give them a certain charme, but also frustrate others.

Tetiary Function: Ni

Often Isfps tend to commit their life to a singular vision. Even though it might be quite vague their tends to be a larger theme or sense of destiny around their life, which is why Isfps make great protagonists. While they generally struggle to anticipate what the future will bring to them they can have good instincts when the situation call for it. They often become more aware of the bigger picture and the societal and political meanings of things as they become older, often focusing on one singular issues, like Frida Kahlo with her support of the Mexican evolution or Bob Dylan and his anti-war efforts. They still often look out for higher Ni users as guiding figures, like Harry Potter has in Dumbledore, as they struggle to determine their destinies and role in the bigger picture themselves. They also have a sense for visual and rather bold symbolism in their art and speech.

Inferior Function: Te

Isfps often struggle with organizing their lives, seeing no value in plans, which can cause them to dismiss societies standards of success. They can overindulge in the moment and appear lazy or unmotivated, but if healthy they can get their things together and finish through with their goals, especially if they have a strong creative vision for something. As they grow older they also become more pragmatic and a ready to make compromises with their identity to fit into certain outer standards, while still staying true to themselves.

Famous Isfps:

Frida Kahlo, Amy Winehouse, Lady Gaga, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Billie Eillish, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, George Harrison, Jackie Kennedy, Michael Jackson, Tom Cruise, James Dean, Jimi Hendrix, Prinz Charles, Prince, Andrew Bird, Prince Harry, Sofia Coppola, Justin Timberlake, Zac Effeon, John Travolta, Liv Tyler

Fictional Isfps:

Sid Jenkins (Skins), Eowyn (Lord of the Rings), Gwen (Total Drama), Lady Edith (Downton Abbey), Harry Potter (Harry Potter), Franky (Skins), Legolas (Lord of the Rings), Hagrid (Harry Potter), Charles (The Crown), Pocahontas (Pocahontas), Kylo Ren (Star Wars), Daisy (Downton Abbey), Luke Skywalker (Star Wars), Rey (Star Wars), Alina (Bones and Shadows)

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