Functional Order: Fi/Ne/Si/Te
Dominant Function: Fi
Rosa is described as being aloof and otherworldly, not compromising her identity for fitting in and living in her own inner world. She is not influenced by conventional values and often behaves in ways that will seem bizarre and strange to others. While being worshiped by a couple of men, she never seems to recognize their feelings, prefering to follow her personal feelings and preoccupations.
Auxiliary Function: Ne
Rosa is highly connected to the more fantastic elements of her family‘s lineage. She is dreamy and often lost in thoughts and described to paint otherworldly and grotesk animals out of her imagination, connecting different creatures she saw or ideas she made up in her mind.
Tertiary Function: Si
Rosa follows the routines expected from her family, going to church regularly and doing her responsibilities, even though she seems often a bit disconnected what she is doing in the present. She showed interest in Esteban and stayed loyal to him the whole time.
Inferior Function: Te
Rosa is described as rather passive and non assertive, being more preoccupied with her thoughts and feelings than achieving a certain goal or commanding others, but also doesn‘t let herself be controlled by others.