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The Crown: Margaret Thatcher (ENTJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Order: Te/Ni/Se/Fi

Dominant Function: Te

Being the first female prime minister in UKs history, Thatcher is a highly determined and successful woman. She rarely choses the easy way and is completly fixated on her end goals. She is meticulous, organized and straightforward, often acting very blunt and direct to others. Not onyl does she manage Brittain‘s affairs, but also her home life, showing true dedication to everything she does.

Auxilliary Function: Ni

While being the head of a very Conservative Party, Thatcher clashes with others party members at times, as she often prefers guiding Brittain to a better future, even if her vision might seem quite delusional considering the actual realities of the world she inhabits. She is also very singleminded and won‘t change her mind easily once she had settled on something, no matter this being the Falkland War or her goal of becoming prime minister.

Tertiary Function: Se

Thatcher seems to enjoy cooking, dressing well and certain physical activities, but also having her safe and organized space, being appalled by the rural and somewhat hedonistic lifestyle of some of the royals. Her Se gives her a more pragmatic outlook on most issues and helps grounding her visions in reality.

Inferior Function: Fi

This is perhaps her least developed function. While obviously caring for her children and her husband Dennis, she can seem incredibly insensitive and cold at times. While she sees this as her duty as prime minister it still is very detrimental to some of her relationships. Still she has a strong set of personal values, which guide all her actions, even though these values might differ from more common humanistic or Christian outlooks on morality.

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