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Skins: Michelle Richardson (ESFJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Order: Fe/Si/Ne/Ti

Dominant Function: Fe

Michelle is very focused on her image and craves being popular and desired. She needs validation from others and if she doesn‘t get that validation from her boyfriend Tony she tries to get it from Sid. She is warm and caring, but can insecure about herself and somewhat manipulative.

Auxilliary Function: Si

Michelle is rather grounded and detail oriented. She is quite attentive and often a pragmatic help for her friends with their problems. This also manifests itself in a deep sense of loyalty and duty.

Tertiary Function: Ne

Michelle has a habit of quickly drawing connections between things, giving her a somewhat quirky and offbeat sense of humor. She can be quite hopeful and even a bit illusionary about her romantic life, differing from her usual more pragmatic and realistic aptitude.

Inferior Function: Ti

Michelle acts mainly based on her emotions and care for othters, but can be surprisingly blunt and cold when pressured. She is also quite able to detect others hypocrisy.

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