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One of us is Lying (Book): Bronwyn Rojas (ENTJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Axis: Te/Ni/Se/Fi

Dominant Function: Te

Bronwyn is an overachiever. She is easily at the top of her class, always perfectly organized and well prepared. She knows the rules and plays by them, and is the most organized of the "Bayview Four". As the brain she often relies on external knowledge to help them solve the case and is highly ambitious and determined. In fact so much that she sometimes sacrifices her own morals in favor of it...

Auxilliary Function: Ni

Bronwyn always knew what she wanted to do with her life. Finish her exams with the highest scores possible and make it to Yale. She is single-minded in her pursuits for her goals, which also helps her solving the case. She has also often hunches and insights about things, but even though they seem to become more paranoid over time, they help her recover the mystery of Simon's death.

Tertiary Function: Se

In the beginning she is quite suspicious about Nate, because of his bad boy image and risky behavior, but over the course of the story she becomes attracted to the sense of adventure and thrill he embodies, becoming bolder and more confident herself. She can act quickly and the moment and think of her feet.

Inferior Function: Fi

Browyn struggles with her feelings in the beginning. Feeling the pressure to be always perfect and master everything she does, she often surpresses her emotions. This is why she struggles with playing the piano, not putting much emotion in it. Her relationship with Nate helps her develop this function properly, finally being able to let her emotions run freely. She also has strong morals normally and fiercley cares about those close to her, like her sister Maeve.

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