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The Types: INFP — The Free Spirited Fairy

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Aktualisiert: 17. Juli 2024

Often seen as the Fairy or the Emo of The Mbti, Infps are a very complex personality that is frequently mislabeled and misunderstood. Infps are perhaps one of the most idealistic, introspective and perhaps wisest people. They appear mild mannered and relaxed on the outside, but are actually fiercly independent and free spirits in the true sense of the word. They are often creatively gifted and enjoy artistic hobbies. Furthermore they tend to be close to nature and animals, but struggle with feeling misunderstood or alienated from the people around them.

Cognitive Functions:

Dominant Function: Fi

„I don‘t go by a rule book. I lead from the heart - not the head.“

~ Princess Diana (INFP)

For Infps the phrase „still waters run deep“ is certainly true. While quiet and mysterious on the outside, they hide a rich inner world full of deep feelings and values. They are highly sensitive, but struggle with communicating their emotions directly, needing artistic self expression like music, writing or photography to fully convey their deep felt emotions. Furthermore they are true Free Spirits marching to the beat of their own drum, not bound by societies expectations of them. They follow their heart above anything else. While often aloof on the surface they are highly compassionate and able to relate to others pain on a personal level. These deep feelings can also make them appear moody and self absorbed, if unhealthy and can cause them to feel misunderstood by those closest to them. Like a butterfly they are both unique in their beauty, but fragile in their being. Even though they are highly independent from social norms, they can be highly sensitive to criticism, especially if it comes from those closest to them. They have firm inner values, which they rarely directly express outside of artistic pursuits, as they won‘t compromise them based on what others expect. Rather than focusing on outside moral standarts they let their subjective impressions of things guide their ethical judgments.

Auxilliary Function: Ne

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says: I‘m possible.“

~ Audrey Hepburn (INFP)

Infps tend to have a somewhat otherworldly quality to them, as they lack the groundedness of their sensing counterparts. Floating through the world like some sort of mad fairy, like Casie from Skins or Luna in Harry Potter, they are hopeless daydreamers and highly idealistic, able to anticipate the hidden qualities and potentials in almost everything. They tend to be progressive in their ideals and seeing chances for improvement and change everywhere and also have a habit of finding beauty in the strangest places. Like Lady Sybil when shocking her family by wearing trouser, Infps tend to express this rebellious attitude in a mostly symbolic way through art or fashion. Though generally less drastic than their sensor counterparts. Still this idealism is always closely bound to their inner values and they won‘t support change just for the sake of it, if they believe it to be “wrong„ in any way. An Infps life can almost seem non-human, sort of ethereal to spectators, as their idealism and daydreaming nature makes them seem far away from more worldly matters. They are abstract and often have a skill for language and metaphorical expression, which makes it appear reasonable that there are many writers and actors of this type. They need to check their ideals from time to time to not loose contact with reality though.

Tertiary Function: Si

Infps can be highly nostalgic and lost in their personal memories. They are often interested in journaling and keeping diaries, to get an overview of their past experiences. They can also be interested in history, especially with its more mythological aspects, like old Songs and fairytales which fuell their imagination. Think about Tolkien, who was inspired for his Lord of the Rings triology by myths and history of ancient Europe. Infps draw inspriation from the past as much as they do from the present. They will also cherish their small personal traditions, even though they might only make sense to them and can enjoy events like Christmas with a childlike wonder. They can be good at noticing small details about others, but often struggle with remembering day to day tasks and staying aware of their bodily needs. If they have developed This function well they can have also get a sense of physical self expression through dancing and a strong awarenes of their bodily needs and sensations.

Inferior Function Te:

While highly idealistic and often quite capeable they still struggle to make their plans reality as they aren‘t the most organized or pragmatic type. Still they can be surprisingly effective under stress and value others, who are able to plan well. When hurt they also show a more aggressive and domineering side to their personality especially if their values are threatened. This can also manifest in aggressive self expression, like bole artworks or fashion that can make the normally mild mannered type seem quite provocative. When well developed they can be rather organized and use this function to reflect on the practicability of their ideas and take the needed steps to realise them. Like the Swedish YouTuber and artist Jonna Jinton, who shows an admirable discipline in her frequent blog entries and monthly video featuring the nature of her home country.

Famous Infps:

William Shakespeare, Princess Diana, Kate Bush, Kurt Cobain, Audrey Hepburn, Robert Pattinson, Julia Roberts, Marilyn Monroe, Florence Welsh, Keanu Reeves, Aurora, Timothee Chalamet, Alicia Keys, Albert Schweizer, Regina Spektor, Johnny Depp, Audrey Tautou, Dalai Lama, Harriet Tubman, Ralph Fienes, Lana del Rey, Yiruma, Fiona Apple, Jonna Jinton

Fictional Infps:

Arwen (Lord of the Rings), Madeleine Swann (James Bond), Cassie (Skins), Diana (The Crown), Rue (Hunger Games), Frodo (Lord of the Rings), Matthew (Downton Abbey), Nagini (Fantastic Beasts), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter), Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts), Lance Sweets (Bones), Misty Day (AHS), Poussey (Orange is the new Black), Merlin (Merlin), Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Lady Sybil (Downton Abbey), Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables), Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Amelie Poulain (Amelie), Aurora (Maleficent), Jane Bennet (Pride Prejudice), Beth (Walking Dead) Nagisa (Clannad), Lucy Pevensie (Narnia) , Cecilia (Vorgin Suicides), Dag (Mad Max), Kiri (Avatar)

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