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Skins: Sid Jenkins (ISFP)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Aktualisiert: 12. Jan. 2023

Functional Axis: Fi/Se/Ni/Te

Dominant Function: Fi

Sid is a deeply felt person, even though he often hides these emotions behind a stoic and apathetic exterior. Actually he is a romantic and deeply sensitive about the thing that happen around him like the death of his father, the mistreatment by Tony and his confrontations with Cassie. This might also result in him acting selfish and solely based on his feelings from time to time, like when he betrays Cassie and sleeps with Michelle just to forget the sadness about his fathers death for a brief moment.

Auxilliary Function: Se

His impulsivity gets him into trouble more than one time and he willingly jumps into a risky activity with his friends like robbing Chris‘ death body from his father or when he has a brief relationship with Michelle. He is easily distracted by what‘s going on around him, something which makes him struggle in school, but when needed he can be quite assertive and is quick to act.

Tertiary Function: Ni

Sid has good instincts from time to time and is often rightfully suspicious about the things happening around him. He is focused on his relationship with Cassie as he cannot imagine a relationship with someone else (lack of Ne). He quickly moves on from Chris death and searches for Cassie in New York, wanting to invest into a shared future.

Inferior Function: Te

Especially compared to Tony, Sid feels like a looser at times, as he struggles organizing his life and thus struggles in school and his relathionships, as he rarely plans anything properly. He also lacks assertiveness in confrontations and is rarely someone trying to fix things himself, when not pushed actively making him seem completely unbothered or like a doormat. He develops this function over time, becoming more responsible and fixes his mistakes, getting his life organized.



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