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Skins: Effy Stonem (INTJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Axis: Ni/Te/Fi/Se

Dominant Function: Ni

Effy is highly detached from the world around her, often viewing things from an unrealistic point of view and struggling with identifying reality. She has an air of mystery about her, being vague about her goals and motives and silently pulling the strings from behind. She has clear goals and visions and is able to plan every single one of her actions. Being able to identify others weak spots easily she is also a skilled manipulator.

Auxilliary Function: Te

Effy is a planner, methodical and organized, seeming like a proper well behaved girl in the beginning. She is bold and communicates in a matter of fact way, being not overly emotional when approaching important issues. She is also highly ambitious and enjoys being in charge, but can be overly controlling and tyrannical towards her friends.

Tertiary Function: Fi

Her Fi is badly developed and often manifests in childish and selfish behavior. She is unable to relate to others and sees herself as unique and misunderstood. She is also individualistic, possessing a magnetic personality, not easily being influenced by those around her. Behind her tough mask she hides her sensitivity and emotional sides, appearing calm and stoic.

Inferior Function: Se

Effy is completely delusional and out of touch with the real world at times. She can be easily overwhelmed by loud noises and much going on around her. Under stress she tires to escape her problems through dangerous and impulsive behavior, when actually knowing the consequences this will have. She tries to be this mysterious, desired figure rather than being real and is easily overwhelmed by too much stimuli from the outside.

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