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Lord of the Rings: Sauron (ENTJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Order: Te/Ni/Se/Fi

Dominant Function: Te

Sauron’s obsession with controlling and dominating the external world is boundless and extremely unhealthy. As is typical of “fallen angel” characters, Sauron believed that he knew better than the creator and joined forces with Morgoth to fulfil his own ambitions. Through sheer will, Sauron controls his legions of demonic soldiers and monsters.

Auxilliary Function: Ni

Sauron is very much a strategist and planner. Unlike the chaotic and destructive Morgoth, Sauron is focused on bringing about what he believes to be order and perfection of Middle-Earth. Through his vast knowledge of magic, he can observe and spy on his enemies whenever they use a mystical artifact that is tied to his power.

Tertiary Function: Se

Quick to leap at any opportunities, Sauron is never one to let a chance to advance his plans pass by. He’s also a talented fighter, being able to kill dozens of enemy soldiers with a single swing of his mace.

Inferior Function: Fi

While repressed, Sauron’s Fi is relegated to his inner feelings of superiority and desire to rule all of Middle-Earth. Any other values are not expressed or used much.

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