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Lord of the Rings: Gandalf (INTJ)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Axis: Ni/Te/Fi/Se

Dominant Function: Ni

Gandalf takes on the role of a mentor figure, recognizing the potential in others and leading them to a better self. He plans exactly which people he needs to achieve a certain goal and is quite focused on the end result.Gandalf has strong intuitions and immense forethought, easily noticing when something seems of. He often seems lost in his head and is good at noticing the hidden intention of others.

Auxilliary Function: Te

Gandalf is quite forceful and commanding, expecting others to put their emotions aside and don‘t act foolish. He can be harshens cold if needed and offers strong leadership. He is also got at planning and organizing every little step towards his end goal.

Tertiary Function: Fi

Gandalf is more emotional than he lets of. He is touched by the deeds of his companies and deeply loyal toward them, As he states to Galadriel he believes it are the small things, ordinary deeds of ordinary individuals that keep the darkness away, showing that his focus lies on the individual rather than a larger group. He also can be deeply stubborn and individualistic.

Inferior Function: Se

Gandalf can be taken of guard by sudden changes and unexpected happenings. He mostly seeks to avoid fighting and struggles living in the moment always thinking a step ahead. .

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