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Harry Potter: Harry Potter (ISFP)

Autorenbild: Scarborough Scarborough

Functional Axis: Fi/Se/Ni/Te

Dominant Function: Fi

Harry has a strong internal sense of right and wrong, which he allows to reinforce his.decisions – he becomes angry with Lupin for abandoning his family and tells him off as a coward, because that strikes Harry as wrong and shameful. If he does not want to befriend someone, he doesn’t. If he does not trust a teacher, that does not change. He tends to bottle up his feelings – which are intense – and not share them until he explodes with anger. Harry reacts to anyone or anything attempting to control him; he is defiant in the face of those who try – refusing Draco’s offer of friendship, thwarting Umbridge’s attempts to shut him up about Voldemort’s return, and feeling a kinship with his simiar-minded “Uncle” Sirius Black.

Auxilliary Function: Se

He takes to a broom almost immediately. Harry enjoys playing Quidditch, and tackling new projects. He often wants to be outside doing things, not inside studying – to Hermione’s distress. He seizes upon opportunities to act, sometimes without thinking them through – using the Marauder’s Map for fun, or packing up his stuff and running away from the Dursleys’ house.

Tertiary Function: Ni

His blind spot can be that he lives so much in the moment, sometimes he forgets to think about the sequence of events and how it may play out – he is not suspicious, but he is very firm in his conclusion and stubborn about sticking to them, even when Hermione casts doubt on them. One example of this is his belief, long before they found out it was true, that Draco had become a Death Eater. He often clings to his first hunch or suspicion about someone, and does not like having that challenged – his negative impression of Snape takes a beating when he finds out the truth; it’s hard for him to reverse his singular Ni-conclusions – and he becomes angry when forced to rethink Dumbledore’s actions and motives.

Inferior Function: Te

Harry tends to act without thinking things through, determined to resolve problems without considering the potential negatives or consequences – this is his inferior Te emerging. He can be assertive, direct, and defiant under stress.

Note: This is not from me, but from Funky MBTI in Fiction. Visit her site here:

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