Functional Order: Fi/Se/Ni/Te

Dominant Function: Fi
Eddie is an unhealthy Fi user. He hides his sensitivity behind an edgy, gloomy and sarcastic exterior. Instead of openly admitting his envy for Billy and his own feelings towards Camila, he behaves passive aggressively and gets into a lot of conflict with his band‘s leader. Still Eddie is also quite loyal towards those he loves, comforting Camila through her marriage problems and staying true to the band. He is independent and wants to make his own thing, which is why he later leaves his band, which doesn‘t appreciate his talents, the way he imagines to. He is highly individualsitic and has a strong sense of his own uniqueness, which can him make seem somewhat entitled and moody, when things don‘t go his way.
Auxiliary Function: Se
Eddie can be quite impulsive and react rather confrontational and aggressive in his disagreements with Billy. He is blunt and tells things as they are, but fails to view thing from different perspectives. When he tries to make out with Camila, he only sees her sadness and believes he could treat her better than Billy, without ever considering why Billy meant so much Ti her in the first place. Eddie is opportiüunisitc and doesn‘t hesitate to leave the band, when he doesn‘t feel appreciated there anymore. Eddie is also somewhat hedonistic and enjoys the fame his career as a musician bring him, alcohol, and partying around with his friends.
Tertiary Function: Ni
Eddie‘s Ni is not very present in the series and mostly manifests in his gloomy view on the future and his ability to see the signs of the band falling apart very early on. But as it is such a low Fucntion in his stack he feels unable to interfere with this development or change conditions until it is to late for them. He tries to make out with Camila without considering the consequences for her or the band as a whole and is later surprised when she rebuffs him.
Inferior Function: Te
Eddie is normally quite, chill and a go with the flow type, often butting heads with Billy and his workaholic and controlling tendency’s. He prefers to life on the edge rather than planning things in advance and seems quite chilled during most of the bands concerts. Under stress he can react aggressive, uncharacteristically bold and be p,argued by feelings of his own incompetence and low self worth. He is also very sensitive to Billy‘s bellitlement of his abilities and inability to appreciate his success.